The Role of Social Responsibility in Football Clubs

สมัคร UFABETCompany วันนี้ can be considered small enterprises when judged by conventional business indicators (Moore and Livermore 2012; Hamil and Morrow 2011). These clubs, however, are often characterized by an entrepreneurial orientation that emphasizes sporting performance rather than financial results. This has led to the establishment of CSR departments or independent charitable foundations (Anagnostopoulos et al. 2014; Kolyperas et al. 2015).

The Role of Social Responsibility in Football Clubs

Although most clubs engage with social responsibility to improve their image, they also do so because it is a matter of stewardship of the game and its fans (Ackerman 1973). The privileged position of football clubs within the community prompts them to show concern for people and the environment in a way that differs from the attitude of purely commercial operators.

The majority of English clubs offer CSR programs that are anticipatory or preventive, aiming to prepare youngsters for the future and thus strengthen the club’s legitimation. Moreover, the CSR programs aim to reward the members of the communities for their support of the club. A better educated and skilled population may lead to more favorable economic conditions, which in turn will benefit the club’s future prospects. The fidelity of the supporters and potential footballers that have been helped by the club will be high.

The global COVID-19 pandemic confronted football clubs with a challenge that entailed a temporary pause in playing in front of spectators and resulting restrictions in terms of travel. This changed the way in which the charities of these organisations operated and was reflected in the content of their CSR activities.

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